1) What will my child learn?
- Children aged 7- 11 (Block & introduction to JavaScript):
○ In this 18 months program, kids will learn three different themes in coding. Those
themes are:
■ Coding with Blocks: Creating Games, animations, drawing shapes (rectangle, circle, hexagon and more)
■ Robotics with Circuit Playground: Learn about the circuit playground and its components, playing with light, controlling sensors (light and temperature sensors)
■ JavaScript with blocks: This is a transition from block coding to text coding. Students will start to write and edit their JavaScript code to create different projects ranging from games, applications, animations and more.
■ The Canadian math curriculum is incorporated in all themes.

- Youth aged 12 -18 (Python):
○ Youth in this 18 months program will learn the most popular language, which is Python. There are three levels in this program:
■ Level-1: Introduction to Python, where youth will learn Python’s basic foundation by creating simple games and applications such as guess the number, bouncing ball, and calculator.
■ Level-2: Intermediate Python-with robotic: Youth in this level will learn about the circuit Playground and how to control its sensors and events. Also, youth will learn how to create real applications with windows, buttons and labels.
■ Level-3: Advanced Python: Youth will learn machine learning and start exploring the concept of Object Oriented Programming with Python.
○ By the end of this level, youth will be able to create more complex games and applications.
○ The Canadian math curriculum will be incorporated on all levels.
Other skills that students will acquire:
Also, learning to code enhances other skills and competences such as spelling, and problem-solving. Later on, it will help kids develop skills in geometry, statistics, data analysis, science, physics, and more. For example Coding teaches the kids to break down hard problems into different parts. This technique can also be transferred to several other fields. They will also develop soft skills such as team work, and collaboration.

2) How will the content be delivered?
● In the synchronous mode of learning:
○ Students will meet with instructors in real-time via an online platform once a week.
● In the asynchronous mode of learning:
○ Students will have access to Google classroom to facilitate asynchronous learning. In Google classroom, instructors will post homework, learning activities, slides, and recordings. Students are encouraged to use this virtual classroom to ask questions during the week and receive answers from peers and teachers.
3) How much does this cost?
● Children aged 7- 11 (Block & JavaScript): ○ $ 113 including tax per month.
● Youth aged 12 -18 (python): ○ $ 135, including tax per month.
○ Sibling discount is available.
4) How long will these courses run?
● Youth aged 12 -18 (Python): Once a week for 90 minutes.
● Children aged 7- 11 (Blocks & JavaScript): Once a week for 60 minutes.
● This program will run for 18 months.

5) How is success measured in this program?
● This program is a project-based learning program, and it consists of 4-5 units. After completing each unit, students will be evaluated according to their projects. Students who completed their projects and attend more than 80% of their classes, receive a certificate of completion and then progress to learn new topics.
6) What is next for my child after they complete this program?
● After completing the 18-month program, students will have the opportunity to start new specialized programs in other programming languages (Java, C, and Dart), robotics, app development and web development with HTM & CSS.